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  1. RandysGirl


    Enjoy every single second Ladyposh, most of us are right there with you in spirit, so happy and joyful for you!!! :D
  2. RandysGirl


    hahaha I was just joking with my friend that there are going to be alot of new babies born this time next year god willing ;)
  3. RandysGirl


    Can we all just have a moment here to give a round of applause for Charlie, girl your updates make me smile and cry for those of us that have been given good news. She does this for us with no hesitation purely as a volunteer.......... Thank you thank you thank you :-*
  4. RandysGirl


    No Sanchester, he is in Wetsmoreland near Sav.
  5. RandysGirl


    My goodness 2010 only a couple of us left! those that are getting PPR lately, did you guys send in original Docs?? Congrats Sanchester and Iambless- that interview must have been nervewracking I am happy for you that it went well. I am going to Toronto for the weekend with my best friend who...
  6. RandysGirl


    Wow nice early morning news Jahlove!!!! Morning everyone! today is good news friday, lets see what happens...
  7. RandysGirl


    We got our marriage certificate in less than 2 weeks, we must have been really lucky.
  8. RandysGirl


    Good morning everyone! Congrats C-I-Jam togirl and I know I am forgetting someone. Kingston do your stuff man! it is almost like they want to get through 2010 applications before summer so they can go to the beach LOL I am alsmost afraid to look at the list, I am not ready in the least if we...
  9. RandysGirl


    Hi everyone hope you are all enjoying the weekend, we are keeping an eye on the sky as we have a tornado warning this afternoon. Smoothie, when I have the time I would share my story (mabe edit your post to Island men- not "boys" some of us find it a bit offensive- no offense to you, I know you...
  10. RandysGirl


    Hi Irving, it was me 8) :But I am not sure who you are pm me...
  11. RandysGirl


    Well said Charlie and Irving, these are concerns I have had. I just hope my husband gets here this summer or at least early fall because coping with coming in dead winter could magnify the trauma of coming here. I lived in jamaica with him for 6 months and there were certainly days when I...
  12. RandysGirl


    Good morning everyone, foggy day here on Georgian Bay but had an awsome walk this morning. I can't believe what a brisk walk in the morning is doing for my spririt wow. I hope everyone has a wondeful long weekend ;D
  13. RandysGirl


    Yes lets see some more good news. I made some calculations and when I joined this forum, 32 people were in line ahead of me, now there is 11 :D ah well, still early yet for me but who knows... Lonely I caaant wait for the 20th I am really looking forward to meeting you! Funny thing happened to...
  14. RandysGirl


    Nae nae your party sounded so fun, I cant understand such rudeness as to not rsvp... congrats about the baby girl what wonderful news (I have a feeling there will be more of that type of news around here in the next few months :D) Just wanted to bump our thread as I hate scrolling so far down...
  15. RandysGirl


    I did it online on the CIC website. When you go there to check your status, you can change your address from there.
  16. RandysGirl

    e-Cas issues today?

    I had the same issues this morning. I thought it was my computer...
  17. RandysGirl


    Good morning everyone. Yesterday I checked my status and the address change I submitted last week has been corrected (they spelled my streetname wrong) so it means that they are working lol. However, I tried to check my status this am and you cannot imput your date of birth or country of birth...
  18. RandysGirl


    Hi everyone! congrats on all the good news this week. Charlie, hope hubbys treatments go well today sounds like no fun at all at all. How are all the Canadians enjoying the spring? I am loving the warm air sunshine and flowers popping up everywhere. Last night all the trees here exploded with...
  19. RandysGirl


    All this talk of seafood and sushi, One thing I miss about living in T.O is the sushi for real. It is crab season in Westmoreland and I am missing out on catching crabs in the night with my flashlight and crocus bag LOL!!! SO much fun and then the rewards of curried crab ahhhhhh! I would love...
  20. RandysGirl


    Good point Charlie, I think I will go for sushi this weekend cause mi know him wont touch the stuff eva!!!!! that will definately be one thing I will be doing without him LOL :P