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  1. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    wow it's really good news, I think they do it in this way cause it's not easy to send the MR to some countries such as syria, iraq and iran by mail any way I hope they send us the MR the same way. many thnx for shearing this news Saif
  2. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    I did not get MR yet which is make sense cause they need to receive the fresh PCC before issuing the MR. don't wary bro it will come soon I'm sure (ensha allah) Saif
  3. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    Salam Hussam, Warsaw VO gave me 60 days to send my pcc. Regards Saif
  4. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    WOW so many good news from Damascus Congratulation and the best in ur new country :) Saif
  5. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    congratulations bro what a great news wish u the best in ur future :) Saif
  6. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    Hi Guys which address should I use to send my police certificates to Warsaw VO Embassy of Canada Immigration Section ul. Jana Matejki 1/5 00-481 Warsaw Poland OR The Canadian Embassy Immigration Section ul. Piekna 2/8 00-481 Warsaw Poland Thnx Saif
  7. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    WOW what a great news Congratulation asaif :) :) :)
  8. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    Great news bro, welcome to Warsaw VO :)
  9. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    Sorry Katy for late response, but no not really I dont know other applicant from warsaw who get MR as u may know we only have Cay_sha from warsaw in this topic. Cay_sha do u know any body from Poland who is post June 26 and got MR? Saif
  10. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    Hi bro, I'll qout the email I got from Warsaw VO "Processing time Applications for permanent residence in Canada in the category that you have applied require on average 24 months to process at this office. If you have not received any instructions from this office within 12 months, you are...
  11. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    Congratulation Dr Hasib! what a great news, wish you all the best Saif
  12. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    Hi, my address disappear on 18 jul, I got email from Warsaw VO telling me that my file transferred to them on 19 Jul and today (22 Jul) my statues changed to In Process. No address in my ecase yet. Regards Saif
  13. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    Many Congratulations Guys what a great day :) My e-cas is updated to "In Process" admin, plz update me in sprearsheat tracker We received your application for permanent residence on September 23, 2010. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on January 26, 2011. Please consider...
  14. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    hi pavan, u may check this one it's only charge 25$ and no fax or mail needed http://www.lawpoint.ca/index.php/Online-CAIPS/GCMS-request.html Saif
  15. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    yes my brother I got email from Warsaw VO on 18 Jul to inform me that my file transfer to them from Damascus VO and today I got another email asking for my police certificates cause I did not send them with my application. I was expecting 30 to 45 days before contacting me but it was v fast...
  16. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    Hi all, after one day of transferring my file from Damascus to Warsaw VO I got a police certificates request from Warsaw VO. I can not believe it :o btw my ecase still RBVO Saif
  17. S_Saab

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    Hi all, 2 days after my address disappear I received an email from warsaw VO that for faster processing my file transferred to them. Regards Saif