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  1. D

    Points calcuation help

    Dear Friends Regarding the points calculations could I get your help please: My profession is within the 38 NOC list (Physiotherapist). My age is 34 now. I have master degree and part of PhD which has not been finished yet, with over 24 years of Education now. work experinces between Egypt...
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    Anybody about to submit the 120 Days' Documents to London---we could share info.

    Dear shibleebd Thanks for your reply, I did not apply yet for the police certificates from the UK, as I thought it shoud be the last thing before I submit the whole documents (true or wrong?!) or i can do it anytime within the 120 days period started already on August the 17th?!. Regarding the...
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    Anybody about to submit the 120 Days' Documents to London---we could share info.

    Re: Anybody is about to submit the 120 Days' Documents to London CHC------we could s Hello, I should submit the documents by Decmber 17 to LONDON office, so I am preaparing them now. My documents are between Egypt and UK as I am Egyptian. So I am waiting currently to get some documents and also...
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    Dear Friends I need your urgent help and advice please, I am currently living and working in the United Kingdom, During this period I have done 2 things applied for Skilled worker Immigration in July 2007 and the document update letter recieved but I have not submitted my documents yet. The 2nd...
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    London office Update letter recieved any advice please

    Hi Minus Please I want to understand the process: when you submit the required documents, then they ask you for the Medical? and how long it takes for that if your documents are ok? Then if you finish the medical they will ask you to send passports? and how long also does it take to issue the...
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    London office Update letter recieved any advice please

    Dear All Friends Finally I have recieved the update letter to send my documents, I have applied in July 2007. I appreciate your help and advice on the specific instructions or ways which will facilitate the processing through London office. Thanks
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    CAIPS FileCheck?

    Dear Friends Please I want to understand more and see if anyone have an experinece about the CAIPS FileCheck service, if it would be of any help to fasten the processing, it is officially trusted by the London office, any ideas plz? Best wishes
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    IELTS Points

    Sorry you typed it correct but I get it wrong. Anyway I have read the guide, it is confusing becuase it says '(Applications received and test reports dated before November 28, 2008).So in my case I have applied in July 2007 (Before), But I will report the IELTS test results in December 2009...
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    IELTS Points

    Sorry what do you mean by this OP7 Page 6, could you kindly give me the link as I do not understand. Thanks
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    IELTS Points

    Just it is interesting to know please what is the differnce between the IELTS points as I have applied for the old system on July 2007. I have read that they have lowered the points required recently i.e from 7 to 6.5 to get the 4 whole points, so is that true or wrong, and please does the...
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    Adaptation points (old System simplified application process)

    Dear Friends Please I want to know If I get a license to practice in Canada and My job is on the NOC list, but I did not get a job offer as I am not ready to move to Canada from the UK now, can I use that to get points on adaptation? Thanks in advance
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    skilled worker immigration- London office-Important enuiries

    Dear all friends Please I have some enquiries about the skilled worker immigration from london office, recently I have got a letter to update my file and I have applied under the new system in July 2007: 1) On the letter they have asked for copies of Educational certifictaes, I have the...
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    Egyptian in the UK immigrating to Canada through london office

    Dear Friends Any Egyptian living in the UK and applying for immigration to Canada through london office can advise me how to get police clearance certificate from EGYPT? Thanks
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    Processing through London office-Urgent Please

    Hi BobbyB Thanks for your important replies, Regarding the police certificate for London office: If I applt now for the Standard (£35) it will take 10 working days and I will get it by the end of August 2009, if I am submitting the whole documents by the beginning of December 2009 which is still...
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    Processing through London office-Urgent Please

    Dear Friends Thanks for your valuable replies. Finally I have got a letter from the London Office to update my file by 17th of December 2009 and I have some enquires: 1) Police certificate: I have 3 recent CRB checks from the UK for the jobs I am currently doing, so they will be sufficient or...
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    wife and children are not willing to accompany me to Canada after application

    Thanks for all your kind and detaild repleies Much Appreciated
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    wife and children are not willing to accompany me to Canada after application

    Dear All Friends After application under the simplified appliction process in August 2007, I am waiting for the update letter from London office to start the processing of my application. The status has changed now as My wife are not willing to accompany me to Canada with the children. I am...
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    Marriage separation after application, HELP PLEASE

    Thanks BoobyB, My wife is Egyptian and we do not have back in Egypt separation certificate either marriage or divorce? so I do not know what to do. Ok anyway if I have finished the processing and my wife and the children have done the medical check, police check..etc but they will not go with...
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    Marriage separation after application, HELP PLEASE

    Dear Friends Please I need your help and more informaion to help me sort my case. I have applied as a skilled worker immigration category in London office in August 2007. Processing did not start yet. I have great problems with my current wife and we are separated but not legally divorced. My...