Salam Brothers & Sisters.
I have a Great News to share with you guys. By Grace of Allah my husband got his PPR today. Alhamdulillah, the wait is finally over! I know it is a really tough and frustrating time to go through but patience and prayers really do pay off in the end. I sincerely hope...
wah one 2 ka 4 brother, it is a great newss! congratulationsssssssss!! see i told u that u will hear a good news in a week...i am soo happy 4 u, plz pray for me too that i am from jan 2010 as well..
that is great news brother, so it means your wife will get ppr very soon!!! becoz it used to say "your application is queue for i nterview" and now with kthe decision maker..don't worry bro inshallah in a week or two u will hear a good new!!!keep ur hopes high!!
hello dear sis, no I haven't heard anything. 2 weeks ago, I send the re-pcc along with my e-tickets and some other papers , and they got it on sept 26..lets see how long it take them to open those document and process.
plz remember me in ur dua's!!
Yah finally, I was so close to quit the form, because i was sick of coming on the form and seeing people arguing over one thing over and over. thnx god!