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  1. S

    medical accepted, request for RPRF and passportsfor visa issuence .

    thank u all, the email i recv is as follows for u people reference. This refers to your application for admission to Canada. Please be informed that you application is ready for visa issuance. The medicals are valid till xx-xx-2010. You are requested to comply with below instructions...
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    medical accepted, request for RPRF and passportsfor visa issuence .

    asalamalikum to all, afterall by the grace of almighty Allah ,my medical is accepted and i received request to send me and my family passports for visa issuence along with RPRF .i am also requested to submit updated bank statement eqivalent to CAD$ 22,831 . now i want to know what will be the...
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    send a result copy directly from ielts office. send ur application only 3-4 days before 120 complete. also mention in ur application that u have taken ielts on --- aug and exam center will send result directly to high commission.
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    Good News: Received AOR. along with Medical and passport Request and RPRF fee.

    narinder i have medical request but unlike urs they didnt ask for passports, prf . first i recv my orig docs with a latter that medical will be send in a few weeks and after one week i rcvd now medical reqst. i seems that they need u well before others. good luck and wishes for u shanbaba
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    AOR with notification of missing documents?please help from PMM, Leon, Rup

    send trancript now, if they didnt start processing, they will add it to your docs, they will not ask for it if u do not send,
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    Change decision ,want to include my husband & son after receiving eligibility

    in fast track, no body probably knows it, u better send an email to ur local visa office as well as sydny and ask this qs with them. u will replied in about 20-25 days. but may be in few days if u r lucky one.
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    fast track:those who rcv AOR from CHC and awaitng medical leter please join

    chefu pl check my time line on trackit http://www.trackitt.com/canada-immigration-trackers/federal-skilled-workers i reply to others later
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    Withdrawing current application and re-applying under fast track

    acma is equalent to bchlor ,(in my openion) 2 bchlor means 22 points. check ur self too.
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    How long after medical?

    probably no body rcv visa yet, but some people like u are in pre n post medical stage. previous system, i took too long, for new one , i hope it will not take more then three moths.
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    PR refused at second stage from CHC Islamabad under Fast Track

    hardluck atif, but dont get dishartened. if u submitted ur aunt passport (canadian ) copy ,it was enough for aunt side. cz they have all her record, but about ur mother, i was must to send docs proving relation. any way i sugest not to apeal but reapply after scoring some better in ielts. or may...
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    point assesment positivly completed, DMP list for medical exam needed

    thanks rupeshari for http://www.cic.gc.ca/dmp-md/medical.aspx i hope to hear soon a good news from ur side as well goodluck
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    Does anyone see TWO "In process" statuses on Ecas?

    yes indeed, as u spend more then six months , it is compulsary
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    point assesment positivly completed, DMP list for medical exam needed

    eventually i have rcvd a letter from local chc retuerning my all orignal doc except ielts orignal transcript , with comments that my point assesment stage is positively completed and in a few weeks i will recv medical latter . do anyone knows from where i can know the addresses of approved...
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    Good News: Received AOR. along with Medical and passport Request and RPRF fee.

    eventually i have rcvd a letter from local chc retuerning my all orignal doc except ielts orignal transcript , with comments that my point assesment stage is positivly completed and in a few weeks i will recv medical latter ...blaw blaw blaw
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    fast track:those who rcv AOR from CHC and awaitng medical leter please join

    eventually i have rcvd a letter from local chc retuerning my all orignal doc except ielts orignal transcript , with comments that my point assesment stage is positivly completed and in a few weeks i will recv medical latter ...blaw blaw blaw
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    Application Denied

    joenash sorry for ur result' but dont be dishartened, people waited for 5-6 years and then rejected. it is most likely that u didn t make job responsibilities correctly. people at NS are not stupids but those who think it recheck ur job responsibility with someone help, specially main duties, it...
  17. S

    IELTS and 120 Days deadline-URGENT URGENT- Please respond ASAP

    u can ask ielts office to send a result sheet directly to ur CHC, and send one by yourself once u recieve it.