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  1. CanGoldDigger

    COPR Details in Application Status Tracker

    Yes, it may cause a delay, but you cannot do anything about it now, just wait.
  2. CanGoldDigger

    GCMS notes- does it have any benefit?

    GCMS don't expedite your process. Neither do they slow it down. It's just a piece of detailed information on your process.
  3. CanGoldDigger

    French language marks and education levels

    Just go ahead and check https://ircc.canada.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp
  4. CanGoldDigger

    GCMS Notes

    30 days.
  5. CanGoldDigger

    Application Status Tracker (PR Application)

    It might happen when you are going thro the comprehensive check.
  6. CanGoldDigger

    Drivers Licence Exchange Agreement - Does Service Ontario take your original licence?

    I just showed my license, took a knowledge and a G FuLL test. Maybe it was a human factor but I doubt.
  7. CanGoldDigger

    Drivers Licence Exchange Agreement - Does Service Ontario take your original licence?

    I did that in Ontario and I didn't surrender my driver license.
  8. CanGoldDigger

    IRCC Tracker

    Yeah, IRCC Tracker is working now.
  9. CanGoldDigger

    CELPIP Preparation

    That's what was really helpful to me https://prepmyfuture.com/en/celpip And YouTube mock tests.
  10. CanGoldDigger

    PR Application rejected due to incomplete documents ECA not correct,

    If your application is refused as incomplete, you will get a full refund automatically. Refunds can take up to eight weeks to complete. https://ircc.canada.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1220&top=4
  11. CanGoldDigger

    Résidence permanente

    Bonjour, la meilleure source d'information de l'immigration canadienne est le site IRCC https://www.canada.ca/fr/immigration-refugies-citoyennete/services/immigrer-canada.html
  12. CanGoldDigger

    Compte de CléGC vérouillé

    Tu peux créer un nouveau compte et y attacher ton application.
  13. CanGoldDigger

    Any reply is welcome

    It's not that hopeless. There's not so much agism in Canada for tech positions in particular. And for the express entry you can be selected as well despite the age. I know that for sure from my own experience.
  14. CanGoldDigger

    Work permit approval

    Are you applying yourself or via an immigration consultant?
  15. CanGoldDigger

    Any reply is welcome

    Nobody can just apply for a work visa. You need to find an employer that would want to hassle with your work permit and LMIA. You can apply for EE with your French, you have a good chance.
  16. CanGoldDigger

    How to bring money to Canada as PR in first landing

    Declaring is not complicated. You just declare at an airport kiosk or eGate how much you bring. And no question asked about it.
  17. CanGoldDigger

    How to bring money to Canada as PR in first landing

    If we are not talking about millions in a sports bag, you can bring as much as you want, declaring doesn't pose any risk for you.
  18. CanGoldDigger

    Final decision - September 13, 2024:Your application is in progress... Yet no PPR or Decision Letter

    On the things that are way beyond your control. Just try to relax and wait, you are good and done already. :)