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  1. A

    Spousal sponsorship

    There are some refusals after AOR. Some who were refused before AOR were subsequently approved, some not. Those who have a lot of refusals (eg 3+) might get extra scrutiny of PR file (i.e. longer processing - so there definitely is a cost of having too many refusals.
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    IMM 5562 - Travel History Gaps - file now w/LOE or wait for FOIA (USA) Response?

    I only now looked at the username - if your spouse is American, are you sure you need the supplmentary travels form? If they don't specifically require it, don't submit it, nor any letter of explanation about the form (that wasn't required). And my quick check right now says, not required for...
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    IMM 5562 - Travel History Gaps - file now w/LOE or wait for FOIA (USA) Response?

    [I assume this is not related to residency obligations of the sponsor - just checking.] I would do this but WITHOUT any promise to update further when you get the additional info. (They will ask if they want it). Just disclose you believe you may have missed a few trips on land between USA and...
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    Dependent Child Sponsorship -2023

    I agree but would just note - both applications can be filed at same time.
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    PR card renewal through online application

    I don't know about that specific portal - some (like citizenship) will only keep profiles for 60 days or so. My understanding is that the PR card renewal updates are extremely limited (in notifications and utility). YMMV. But some get new cards in renewal before the portal even updates, I think.
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    PR card renewal through online application

    I do not know, nor what you mean by 'the time is right.' As I said, if you leave right away after applying, it might get delayed - as they wait to see if you return - but may depend on other factors too.
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    Work Eligibility for Expired PR and Not Meeting RO

    Yes, I was referring to case of what might be on ATIP is someone is reported - and even in those cases, if the ATIP said anything, in most cases the person in question would still be presumed to be a PR (and hence right to work). At least you have a SIN. Those who don't have SINs have to jump...
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    Trudeau says he could have acted faster on immigration changes, blames ‘bad actors

    There are indeed many bad actors, and much blame to go around. But Ontario's colleges have a special place in this, and the people behind it deserve a special type of blame. The Globe has a piece today: -Ontario colleges went from having about 12% international students to almost 42% - in less...
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    Work Eligibility for Expired PR and Not Meeting RO

    I'm actually not familiar with the ATIP reports for border crossings (want to order one soon) and what info they disclose. Again in theory, if you have that entry record and it doesn't identify you as a foreign national (PRs are not considered foreign nationals), then to me that is rather a...
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    Work Eligibility for Expired PR and Not Meeting RO

    I'll be equally interested to see if the ATIP identifies you as a PR.
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    Is PCC from india required?

    The instructions say that "You don’t need to provide a police certificate if -you were in your country of origin immediately prior to becoming a permanent resident and landing in Canada, - this time falls within the past 4 years."* I read this as saying that you technically do not need to...
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    PR card renewal through online application

    I think online has more chances of being processed quickly. If you leave the country for a 'long' while, it may get delayed, especially if any question about your residency obligation. But if you are well in compliance and no other issues, you might get the new card back quickly. Whatever you...
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    Work Eligibility for Expired PR and Not Meeting RO

    Good luck, let others know how it works out. I get the impression that most that have been in this situation have ended up convincing employers - but perhaps not always, and perhaps not the first employers they spoke with. I'm curious - did your passport get stamped by the border official when...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    No - unless something in system goes seriously wrong. Which I guess means, it's conceivable, but don't expect it.
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    Work Eligibility for Expired PR and Not Meeting RO

    You can try all of the above. I wouldn't go into the bit that service canada says COPR expired though (they're technically incorrect, IMO). Show confirmation of your SIN (what is that?) and tell them they can check that. As noted above, the type shows that it is a PR SIN. I note that an...
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    Work Eligibility for Expired PR and Not Meeting RO

    Post in the relevant forum, about temporary work or whatever way it was obtained. This forum about permanent residence, and permanent residents do not need work permits.
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    Work Eligibility for Expired PR and Not Meeting RO

    Very good point! Do you know - does revocation of PR status result in cancellation/hold or whatever on the SIN? Or at least some reaction if use of the SIN occurs if SIN is used after revocation? Man, I'd hate to have to find the operational manual related to this at employment ministry.
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    Work Eligibility for Expired PR and Not Meeting RO

    I agree with your overall point, and that the expired PR card can be an issue (in practice, anyway) - but note that the manual you're citing is explicitly noted as "Overseas Processing", and for purposes of assessing residency status when the subject is outside Canada. This question of the...
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    Canada re-entry on Open work permit

    Thanks, that's what I think to. -I don't know about the work permit issue, and, -while docs in expired passports can be used (https://ircc.canada.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1650&top=16), the combination of things makes this a bit more complicated than it should be. So yes, I agree...
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    Work Eligibility for Expired PR and Not Meeting RO

    -Your COPR does not 'expire', once it is signed at landing it is an historical document showing ... the date you landed. -You are correct that the 'expiry date' shown in the block under "Personal Details - PA" actually refers to the expiry date of the passport you used to come to Canada/land...