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  1. D

    A number of questions. Help would be much appreciated!

    My wife and I have two kids. The kids are both Canadian citizens by birth right, but my wife is a citizen of South Korea. We're applying for her PR status. 1. We're self-employed. a. How much detail do I have to provide about finances? b. Do I need an official document from the tax...
  2. D

    Spousal sponsorship

    When it comes to letters from family and friends stating that they know of our plans, do they have to be, like, slow-mailed and stamped and signed? Or are printed emails acceptable?
  3. D


    Do *all* copies need to be Certified True copies?? I don't remember seeing that. I thought it was only where specified, like with translations.
  4. D

    A question about dependent children

    I and my two children are Canadian citizens but my wife is not. Our application is for my wife's PR status. I've been informed that my children don't count as dependants for the purpose of this application. Is this certain? Do I exempt them from the 'Application Details' section of IMM0008, and...
  5. D

    IMM0008: A question about 'dependant children'

    Thank you for taking the time to respond. Neither of us is in Canada at the moment. Does that change things? I've discovered that she will need an 'eTA' - Electronic Travel Authorization - to travel to Canada. However, Permanent Residents are not eligible to apply for same (not needing one as...
  6. D

    IMM0008: A question about 'dependant children'

    My wife is applying for PR status. The section DEPENDANTS indicates that details need to be filled out for those "who are not already permanent residents or citizens of Canada". Am I correct in assuming that my children, who are full citizens of Canada, do not need to have this section filled...