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    Work permit

    without any other information no one can help. Provide basic details like how long the program was, was it just 1 program or 2 program. what was the duration of each porgram. Did you fail in any semester?
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    Mistakes in sop

    Not a major mistake but still counts as a mistake.(1yr exp vs 2yr exp is a lot) It's can be overlooked as you must have provided the evidence along with it. You should have proof read the sop several times before submission. Now all you can do it is wait.
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    Failed in last semester of a 1 year program

    I will go with Fleming course then. And last question (major) - can this gap leads to pgwp rejection? Thanks
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    Failed in last semester of a 1 year program

    Thanks for your input canuk78. I contacted a nearby consultant(Toronto) and he told me that I wont get PGWP against the fleming course (GIS) as I have failed in a course and he suggusted that I should just take up another 1 year program if I need PGWP. I do intend to finish the fleming course...
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    Failed in last semester of a 1 year program

    Hi, Sorry for reposting the same thing but I'm quite confused and need some guidance. I got admitted to 1yr fast track program at Fleming college. It's an 10 months course comprising of 3 semester. In the last semester we have to work on a group project and the whole team of 3 student failed, me...
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    Fleming College May 2021 Intake

    I am in for September 21 intake and got my LOA in 3 days
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    All the airports have designated space for smoking, you just gotta ask/look around and same goes for hotel rooms as you are provided with an ashtray. PS: talking about tobacco only :D