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  1. attitudeguyz

    Spousal sponsorship

    can you share the whole process and timeline
  2. attitudeguyz

    Spousal sponsorship

    hi there can you please tell me the step by step info i am trying to link my application but i couldnet link it
  3. attitudeguyz

    Canadian Citizen sponsoring wife UCI/Reference/GCKey info

    HI THERE can you help me to link GC key i have done my medical but couldnet link my application to GCKey
  4. attitudeguyz

    Study Visa Delayed Since 3 Months.WHY?

    are you still waiting you should send the enquiry why they are taking so much time
  5. attitudeguyz

    Study Visa Delayed Since 3 Months.WHY?

    ICM has a good reputation of positive visas but in your case i guess that would be opposite send inquiry to embassy
  6. attitudeguyz

    Passport request letter

    well i am sorry i could not answer your inquiry but i need to know how long your application took to finalize and which visa office?Thanks
  7. attitudeguyz

    2018 Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications: timeline and updates

    hey can you tell me the exect time they took to process your application?