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  1. P

    Express Entry - PO Box, Street Number in the address section

    But it is a mandatory field, with asterisk. It cannot be left blank.
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    Proof of funds letter format

    Hi, What documents you submit to show your spouse' bank balance as PoF?
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    Spouse pof letter of declaration format

    Hello Savz. Did you also submit your spouse's documents as PoF. Can you please tell me what all documents you submit?
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    Spouse's Bank statement for Proof of Funds

    Hi Dinesh, I am in same dilemma. I have to show my spouse' FD. Can you share the format/letter you got signed from your spouse. I would be so grateful if you can mail me at pk.it46@gmail.com.
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    Proof of Funds - Fixed Deposit

    Hi, How did you show your FD as PoF? I mean, what letter or document did you show to CIC?
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    Proof of Funds - Help & Advice

    Hi Pratikpatel.. Please let me know if you can find out how we can show FD. My FD is also only 4 months old.
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    Proof of Funds - Help & Advice

    Hello.. Can I show my FD Advice with bank logo on it? Or do I necessarily need a letter from bank.
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    Fixed Deposit as Proof of Funds

    Hello Hitesh.. How did you get the letter for FD from bank? What is that letter called?
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    Can I show my spouse' FD as mu PoF?. My spouse is included in my application.
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    Proof of Funds (Express Entry)

    Hello beetee, Did you find out about using spouse' FD as PoF? Please let me know if I can use my spouse FD as PoF and if I need nay letter or other documents for this purpose? TIA.
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    Proof of funds: how to show spouse's fixed deposits

    Hello MOntylee, I hope your application process is all sorted. Did you show your spouse FD as PoF? Can you please help me with how can I show my spouse's Fixed deposit as proof of fund?
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    POF letter for EE from ICICI, Axis bank India

    Hi, How did you put the request for balance certificate? I am in USA right now. Can you please tell me the process you followed.
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    Proof of Funds-Express entry

    Hello, Did you show your depenedent's FD as PoF? Please let me know what you did. I am having troubles getting balance certifictae from my bank. Thanks.
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    Query about Indian PCC from Indian Embassy USA

    Hi Chikoo1885, Did you send your original PP? What was turnaround time?
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    Thank you Sid8tive. Awaiting spouse' report. It is half work done without dependent's clearance in hand.
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    Thanks Sid8Tive. There is an update, I ahve recieved my FBI report. It says something like "There is no prior arrest data, but cannot assure about state or local level" Is this how FBI clearance report is?
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    I applied for PCC through FBI EDO. My documents were delivered yesterday, however there is no change in my online status. It still shows "Insufficient. Send you fingerprints". Does anyone know how much time it takes for status to change?
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    No surname in passport, how to enter name in EE application?

    Hello Harry24!! You found out the answer, please let me know too. MY surname field is blank in passport.
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    PCC from Indian Consulate Chicago - Time taken?

    Hi, Did you send them your original passport? I am reluctant about sending my original passport via mail; and will remain tense till I get it back :( The website says we need to send original passport, but their representative on the phone says otherwise. She told me very confidently that...
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    Police certificate for Indian citizen living in the USA through Indian consulate

    Hello people!! Do we need to send original Passport to consulate office or notarised copy would do? I am reluctant about sending my original passport via mail; and will remain tense till I get it back :( The website says we need to send original passport, but their representative on the phone...