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Search results

  1. Copingwithlife

    PRTD for new PR

    I found this by simply googling if a eta is still active after becoming a PR https://onlineservices-servicesenligne.cic.gc.ca/eta/applicationQuery?lang=en&_ga=1.205071059.234167906.1423250354
  2. Copingwithlife

    Does student visa misrepresentation affect PR?

    Question being is why would you intentionally not disclose this information when applying from the get go ? Whether it was serious or not, it was left out
  3. Copingwithlife

    Will other countries know I asked for asylum in Canada?

    It is not unusual, as with any country, if you do not have the legal right to be here. I used to work at the airport, DAILY I would see people being escorted, by CBSA,Immigration some willingly, others being extradited/deported to for crimes committed in other countries. Customs would escort the...
  4. Copingwithlife

    Overstayed 2 years - will eTA be approved? going home for wedding

    The computers are WAY smarter now, and there is more cooperation between countries on the sharing of this data Also more passports are now readable versus in prior years . I remember for non readable passports I would have to painfully type in all the passport information, and there was a...
  5. Copingwithlife

    Overstayed 2 years - will eTA be approved? going home for wedding

    I worked at a airline for years, when passengers departed the country their passport is scanned , and all that information is stored and sent to the government. They can easily match up people’s names , DOB’s, so even if you renew your passport, that tombstone data, name , date of birth remains...
  6. Copingwithlife

    I have UK family/fiance Visa can i apply for Canada PR

    Wasn’t your question already answered in your other posting ? The answer hasn’t changed in the 12 hours
  7. Copingwithlife

    Super VISA LICO

    Lol, I rest my case, btw “ It’s mind your own business “
  8. Copingwithlife

    how can I report an illegal inmigrant?

    And if he’s working illegally then highly unlikely he or his employer are forwarding payroll taxes to the Feds https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/programs/about-canada-revenue-agency-cra/suspected-tax-cheating-in-canada-overview.html
  9. Copingwithlife

    Super VISA LICO

    Remember people are volunteering THEIR time in replying to the multitude of questions, scenarios and stories on here And be gracious when they do respond to yours And one thing to think about this old saying You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar And Don’t burn your bridges...
  10. Copingwithlife

    Do we ALL need to apply for residency??

    “ Ride on his coat tails “ ?? To obtain permission to live in the country ??
  11. Copingwithlife

    Any good software for filing corporate tax returns?

  12. Copingwithlife

    withdrawing a prra application

    Why would you go back to the country you’re seeking protection and or asylum from ?
  13. Copingwithlife

    Use American employment for super visa

    Wonder why people leave the US ? Maybe because the way people think , treat each other here .I don’t mind paying higher taxes because it’s for the collective good of the population, versus just thinking about me alone . Not having to worry that god forbid if I get stricken by a disease like...
  14. Copingwithlife

    plan to deliver baby in canada

    So let people continually exploit the rules? If that’s your reasoning based solely that Canada’s population is low, why even have any immigration rules at all ? Let it be by first come first served , no applications what so ever , if you’re just looking for bodies to fill the low population
  15. Copingwithlife

    Do apartment rental's bargain monthly rent ?

    That would be because it was # 1 a unregulated market place , # 2, the demand for rental units was greater than the supply . You know , supply & demand . I’m thinking of moving to Alberta and just by browsing the rental market in Calgary they now offer incentives to lock in long term tenants ...
  16. Copingwithlife

    Visitor visa to Canada - Refusal :(

    People seem to forget, being granted a TRV is not a “ right “, but a privilege
  17. Copingwithlife


    I do not know the Uber driver requirements, but one requirement with the CRA is that once you register with UBER it is mandatory that your register for a GST/HST account with the CRA. The threshold for registering for a gst/hst account for a small business/sole proprietorship is $30k over a 12...
  18. Copingwithlife

    Spousal Application - Married to the same person twice.

    More red flags than a communist parade going on here . And people wonder why processing times are long, or why some applications go under closer scrutiny
  19. Copingwithlife

    Pregnant with Lmia

    From the information you provided , you may be eligible for the benefits. However the only way you would know for sure is to submit a claim for those benefits as soon as you stop working. When you apply for benefits, the system will look for any ROE's that were issued for you,in the preceding 52...
  20. Copingwithlife

    Super visa - Second time parents visit, do they need one full year insurance?

    Because they think, like many, nothing will happen to them