Guys I don't get it. What does Canada have against skilled immigrants? Do they really want to achieve their population goals by getting in people that will overburden the welfare system in 10 years?
I get countries inviting refugees and providing other residency pathways to increase goodwill and address short term needs. But keeping on increasing your intake + making it more for refugees and low skilled just really does not make any sense, until unless these guys are actively trying to sabotage the country demographic.
As a rule of thumb, if you call it Economic Immigration, you should bring onboard people that will increase the economic output of the country.
If you analyse the Express Entry as a system, there are a lot of indicators that make it not the right tool for the purpose it was created, for example:
- Applicants can chose to select if their spouse/common-law can accompany them in Canada, thus changing their CRS score accordingly.
Why should you allow such an option ? The applicant and their whole family should be assessed to determine their economic output. Example, if you have two applicants age 28, both with masters, both with 3+ years experience in their profession, both with English and French proficiencies, but one is single and the other has a spouse and a child, but has selected that they will not accompany him.
How the fuck they will not accompany him? He will go and live in Canada alone, never to see them again ? Thus, my friend, he gets the same points as an economic immigrant as the first one. They are equal now.
So, in the eyes of the system, applicant one who might get a job, lets say $100k per year and the second one with the family get a similiar job with $100k salary per year, are equal again. How the fuck can they be equal ? The first one is single, apart from the living expenses he can put that money perhaps into investing and such, the other guy has triple the charge in living expenses, remember wife and child, so he basically works for the ongoing life of his family.
- Brother/Sister added points !
Why should someone profit from their brother/step-brother or of their spouse to surpass someone witht he same credentials? Because the brother/step-brother will help them integrate faster into teh society ? Dude, they know the language already, their education is recongnized and they have the money to settle. There is enough for them to integrate, if they can't, the whole immigration business is not for them.
I can understand the refugees they bring to some extent, especially if they have been part of you as a government in a foreign country, they are journalists or activists that contribute in shaping their country's future (for better), and to related causes.
I don't want to comment CEC because perhaps there are jobs no Canadian or high skilled immigrant wants to do, so they have no choice but to bring some CRS 400 or less on board, but the 27k invitation was a massacre. Pure numbers.
These are just my simple surface observations of the Canadian Immigration, but I believe that there is a need for a change in government in the upcoming elections, this one has done some powerful damage in a lot of areas.