Hi,I have submitted file on Oct 21.
Feel free to ask questions.
Do I (the sponsor) have to continue to meet the income requirements during the processing of the application?
If new information indicates that you may no longer meet the income requirements, your income may be reassessed at any time during processing. Your income could also be reassessed if more than 12 months have passed between the dates since we received your application and when processing of the application begins.
You and your co-signer, if applicable, must meet the amounts outlined in the Income for Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship from the date on which IRCC receives your sponsorship application until the day your family members become permanent residents of Canada.
You must always continue to meet LICO while your application is being processed. Impossible to say whether LICO will be increased but there is a decent chance it will go back to prepandemic levels.Hi ,
My parents got invited to apply for pgp and I qualify but do I have to maintain my income untill they get pr ? If yes how much is the minimum cut off for 7 family members for 2021 income ? Please help.
No you must meet LICO for your family size every year. LICO levels are announced every year. They will likely be going up because they were reduced drastically due to covid and we are experiencing inflation. You will still need to support your parents through any troubles so it is important that you be able to show that you meet LICO which is very low already,@Meatplus.ca (As per my understanding) Yes but you may not be accessed again
I further understand that due to impact of COVID19, IRCC will consider the income of 2020 instead of 2021 for the intake of PGP2021. I believe that implicitly that indicates that there will not be a cutoff list for 2021 and you should be okay for 2021.
I am not an expert though and this is based on my understanding so please get this verified.
yes i linked it today and my frnd he was also able to link.Has anyone from the Sept batch been able to link their application to GCKey?
Thanks.yes i linked it today and my frnd he was also able to link.
my timelines- invite recvd in sep 2021, app submitted on Nov 6, 2021, and then got ghost email on 6 feb 2022 and on 2nd march i was able to link.
I used UCI number and family name and then passport details of the applicant to link
ghost email is just a lingo that all folks use here.Thanks.
I received the invite on 27/Sept and Submitted app on 03/Dec.
Haven't received the 'ghost' email yet. What does the 'ghost' email contain?
Thanks for the clarification.ghost email is just a lingo that all folks use here.
so the so called ghost email, states nothing, but it only states that you application has been updated etc.
on recpt of this email we can assume an officer is working on our application