These things are not only happening in Canada*Ahem*
Lets be clear, by "house" you mean a 2 bedroom apartment or a 3 bedroom house on a lot? Because later is NOT available in Toronto for 800K CDN since quite a while.
Now coming to the real point, yes, growth:
Let me invite you to Nanaimo.... find it on the map.
Here is a specimen from the messed up real estate lab called Canada:
1. This is its tax valuation or what government thinks its worth:
2020 : 489,000
2021 : 659,000
And its listed for?
800K CDN!
Yup! Someone could have bought a house in no-name place in Canada and would have made 300K by selling it just in one year!
And this is NOT EVEN the worst offender!
I would disagree about the house sky rocketed house prices in every place in Canada. Calgary has still descent prices and not only Calgary.