Hello guys,
I need help on this, I got email back that i need to submitted the Schedule A - imm5569 form again with hand signed for my father and for my mom. I filled the form and then i was just checking if i am using the correct updated form, as the link they sent me does not work. Can you guys tell me, if some has filled this form recently. The one i was using was from 11-2018 updated, then upon looking again i found the one that was updated as of 06-2019. I was about to write email and send back with forms, but i found this 06-2019 one, can someone please send me the correct link to the form for imm-5669. I filled this online but again they want this form to be had signed and dated for dad and mom. Or Shall i fill the both forms and send it and write my explanation in the email that which ever one they want to use they can. Please send me the link to new firm, if someone has it
I submitted application on Oct 26
J Singh