Hi There
I have received the invitation to apply for my parents PR. Can someone please answer my questions below?
1. I do not have birth certificate ever, I always used my education certificate as the proof of relation. Can I use the same here as well? I am a Canadian citizen now and my Indian passport is cancelled as India doesn't support dual citizenship. I am unsure of what to use as proof of relation with my Parents. (Father. - principal applicant).
2. Cirriculam Vitae/Resume - Do I have to prepare resume's for for both (Mother and Father) and attach them?
3. If I give permission to CIC to collect the reports from CRA, do I still need to fill in IMM5748e.?
Few more questions will follow as I proceed with the application

... or please advise in general if I have to be aware of anything.
Thanks always to this group for supporting.