Hi @robertp @serious_cheese @laxsun I received this email from IRCC.
Your application for permanent residence has been approved. The final step in processing your application is to confirm your permanent residence and create your permanent resident card. You’ll complete this process through the Permanent Resident Portal (PR Confirmation). In the portal, you’ll confirm that you and your dependants are in Canada, provide your Canadian address and submit your photo to create your permanent resident card. You need to access the portal yourself. Your representative cannot access the portal on your behalf. If you are a representative and receiving this message on behalf of a client, you must forward the message to your client. Next steps: Reply to this email and confirm the email address you want to use. As the principal applicant, you’ll act on behalf of your dependants. If you would prefer your dependants to have their own accounts, please indicate so in your reply to this email. In your reply to this email, copy and paste this template and fill in the information for yourself and for each member of your family. If you are not sure of the exact date(s) of your entries to Canada, you can provide your best estimate. Name: UCI: Email
one for the whole family) Original entry date: Date of last time you entered Canada: Location where you last entered: Are you currently inside Canada: If you are not inside Canada, when is your expected return date: If you can’t access online tools such as the portal, or if you experience any technical issues with the portal, please let us know by replying to: IRCC.ClientPortalWest-OuestClientPortail.IRCC@cic.gc.ca Once you reply by email, we’ll send you an invitation to create a portal account from: Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada / Immigration Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada If you didn’t get our email, check your junk mail or spam folder. Please respond quickly with the requested information, this will result in faster processing. Find out more about the portal on our website. Changes to your situation: You must inform us immediately by replying to this email of any of these changes: You get married, divorced, enter a common-law union, or become separated from your spouse. In the event of the death of o the sponsor; o the principal applicant; or o any accompanying family member. You, or any of your family members, give birth to or adopt a child. You, or any of your family members, are charged or convicted of a criminal offence. You, or any of your family members, are no longer interested in becoming permanent residents of Canada. If you are outside Canada: If you are currently outside Canada, you cannot be landed using the PR Portal (PR Confirmation). It is important that you let us know by replying to this email. We can then ensure that you have any documents you might need to travel to Canada to become a permanent resident. Sincerely, IRCC Vancouver 5133 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
Just wanted to check if it is only for candidates with virtual landing ? My parents are in India and brother is in Canada. I submitted a webform informing my brother's current address and I received this email for all 3 applicants.
Please advise the follow up. Thank you so much
Your application for permanent residence has been approved. The final step in processing your application is to confirm your permanent residence and create your permanent resident card. You’ll complete this process through the Permanent Resident Portal (PR Confirmation). In the portal, you’ll confirm that you and your dependants are in Canada, provide your Canadian address and submit your photo to create your permanent resident card. You need to access the portal yourself. Your representative cannot access the portal on your behalf. If you are a representative and receiving this message on behalf of a client, you must forward the message to your client. Next steps: Reply to this email and confirm the email address you want to use. As the principal applicant, you’ll act on behalf of your dependants. If you would prefer your dependants to have their own accounts, please indicate so in your reply to this email. In your reply to this email, copy and paste this template and fill in the information for yourself and for each member of your family. If you are not sure of the exact date(s) of your entries to Canada, you can provide your best estimate. Name: UCI: Email
Just wanted to check if it is only for candidates with virtual landing ? My parents are in India and brother is in Canada. I submitted a webform informing my brother's current address and I received this email for all 3 applicants.
Please advise the follow up. Thank you so much