Hi, I need some advise on the PGP 2021 online application regarding uploading photos. I have a hard copy of the Photo taken from a Photo Studio which has the Photo Studio stamp and all the required information. I also have the digital print of the same photo in good resolution (say, PhotoFront.jpg image)
(1) Should I upload the good resolution digital image (in jpg format) of the face side (say, PhotoFront.jpg) and upload a scanned copy (in either jpg or pdf format) of the backside of the photo (say, PhotoBack.pdf) to the online application?
(2) Should I scan (in either jpg or pdf format) and upload front side of the original hard copy of the photo (say PhotoFront.pdf) and then scan the backside containing parent name and photo studio information and upload that (say, PhotoBack.pdf) separately to the online application?
(3) Should I scan (in either jpg or pdf format) the front side of the original hard copy and the backside containing parent name and photo studio information and upload them as a single file (say, Photo.pdf) to the online application?