Thanks! So it matters, with regards to the quickness of which VO is processing the application, in which case, Canadian VO's are relatively quicker. I am just particular to the BIOMETRICS and MEDICAL or if an interview is required, as it would be requested, from the residence of the PA, not the country of citizenship, right?
Yes, those youll have to find the closest to you when they get requested, but dont get too eager in getting them done too soon: I got mine requested when we lived in copenhagen and i had to fly to stockholm (sweden) to get my biometrics done, the medical i could get done in Denmark, but there was only 1 doctor in Denmark that did it, and it ran me a whooping 800$
But, something i dont think everyone knows, when you get your approval, you have to land in canada within 1 year of your medical, even in covid times and theres absolutely no way to extend or even flipping call immigration canada!
So when i got approved Feb 2021, we were given 17 days to get to canada. Yes 17 days. The most frustrating was the stamp of approval was 1 month before hand, so Immigration canada knew the date but didnt rush the letter out or let us know, had i not met the postman that day we would have had 13 days by the time we got the letter.
So my point is, you will get a get your medical done by xxxxxx day, wait til the day before that day to do your medical, you¨ll thank your self later

Best of luck