Large portion is from Sydney. I believe that VO is focusing in PNP. The FSW seems to be coming from other VOs that aren’t as active.
It's because PNP processing is what they do at that visa office. Each visa office has particular types of applications that they process. Sydney, NS does PNP applications, along with other things like the Immigrant Investor Program, Quebec Skilled Workers, Start Up Business Class, Atlantic Immigration Pilot, Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program, Agri-Food Pilot, Self Employed program, Quebec Business Class, etc.
Mississauga does spouses and refugees. Ottawa does FSW Express Entry.
So, it's all down to which VOs have big backlogs. Perhaps Sydney has a really good processing capacity right now, and not much of a backlog anymore, or perhaps their system was upgraded. This thread isn't for speculations, but I'm just explaining that it's not preferential treatment of certain application types. It's that Sydney processes PNPs. So, if Sydney is doing well with processing right now, of course we'll see a lot of PPRs are for PNP applicants. Meanwhile, if Ottawa is still struggling with few staff and/or a huge backlog, the PPRs for FSW Outlanders will continue to be few and far between. There's a logical explanation for everything.
thank you very much everyone for continuing to keep this thread focused on
confirmed PPR links. And thank you to all those who've shared links, copy-pastes, and screenshots yesterday and today. It's fantastic to see all these folks getting their finalization emails!