No one knows what will happen after COVID, and people seem divided in regards to FSW draws and whether they will continue in its previous shape, or new rules will be introduced. If you can think of a plan B, it is a good time to do so. My partner and I consider one of us going to study and the other working (or requesting a location transfer in our current jobs; easiest option, but depends on the willingness of our employers, so it cannot be a real plan B since it is very much outside of our control). But this involves a lot of money which we might not want to spend (I wouldn't mind a specialization course, but an actual diploma/certificate is a bit overkill considering we have already master degrees + work experience already, but hey, quality education is always positive). Not everybody is willing to move at all costs - if they cancel FSW to outland applicants moving forward, Canada will definitely miss out on a bunch of people that want to move and have the skills to contribute. But we're considering the study option.