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Fall 2020 university of Manitoba

Sep 19, 2020
Hey, I have applied for M.Eng in Materials Engineering and a professor there has accepted to be my supervisor. What are my chances of getting accepted?
GPA: 3.08/4.00 (Last 2 years: 3.178/4.000). I applied for Winter 2022. Also, anyone knows how much time they take to make a decision and how much time do they give to confirm your decision to attend or not attend.


Hero Member
Dec 29, 2019
Hey, I have applied for M.Eng in Materials Engineering and a professor there has accepted to be my supervisor. What are my chances of getting accepted?
GPA: 3.08/4.00 (Last 2 years: 3.178/4.000). I applied for Winter 2022. Also, anyone knows how much time they take to make a decision and how much time do they give to confirm your decision to attend or not attend.
I don't know much about masters degree in Canada but University of Manitoba is a good school, with your grade of 3.178 equivalent to 2nd class upper in Canada and to top it all you have a supervisor you should be fine...
And it depends on when you applied if you did so earlier you should expect a quick reply....