I like your idea!https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-2996
Petition to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
We, the undersigned, Canadians and permanent residents of Canada, call upon the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship to:
- Family reunification has a positive effect on attracting talented immigrants and a positive impact on family prosperity and the economy;
- By previously scrapping the lottery system for parent and grandparent reunification, the government recognized that the luck-based system is deeply flawed;
- The recent reintroduction of the lottery system was made with no transparency about the reasoning, studies and consultations that lead to the decision;
- In addition, the lack of advanced notice means even more are left out with no time to properly plan ahead; and
- Time and time again, arbitrary application caps result in an unfair system.
1. Explain the decision to return to the previously scrapped system for Parents and Grandparents (PGP) Program;
2. Release documents relating to the consultations that lead to this change;
3. Immediately undertake an open and publicly available study to create a better and just application process;
4. Recognize the positive benefits for family reunification and create a compassionate system without arbitrary caps.
But PGP is neither priority nor previledge hence there's always be a type of controled cap of some short