Agreed. This thread has become awful and extremely disrespectful to fellow posters. I won’t even go into the abuse hurled at the employees at the IRCC. Dpenabill has be helpful and concise in his replies. I hope he continues to post.
Good morning everyone.
When this same person, at the beginning of the exchanges in this thread said that I "bought" my law degree, everyone had found it correct and nobody found anything to complain about ... Double standard ... It's just distressing.
I was not discussing the person, I never attacked him personally or personified ... I simply said that I find his determination to want to defend the 699 code, while considering the slightest criticism of this system (Not fair , to honest taxpayers like most people here) as an insult to those poor and kind and honest IRCC workers ... Wanting to maintain an unfair system and waste of public money (our money all) is so noble, the poor!

... (YES, I am ironic) ... I simply expressed an opinion, that the fact that it defends the code 699 and that It links its to the health and well-being of employees as a argument not honest, it is my impression, I expressed it with respect ...
Did you just read their press release here?
Stop saying I'm attacking the person, and just answer my arguments.
It is simply shameful ... There would even be a way to attack this provision of Code 699 in the federal court ... But of course, these are things that take courage (people are afraid that such actions impact their own citizenship applications), time, and a lot of money to find associations courageous enough to endorse the cause, lawyers specializing in labor law, constitutional law, etc .... And also, who is cares about foreign people, not yet voters, and often people from poor and disadvantaged social categories (This is a big subject, and not our subject here.)? Who ? ... On the contrary, this subject hatises hatred in general: Have you only read the negative comments by the hundreds in the CBC article which deals with our subject? ...
When our friend
@hotshot45890 invited
@dpenabill to take a look at this link: , he totally eclipsed the subject and avoided talking about it. '' evoke the subject of the non-return to work of several employees, and rather chose to dwell on its past glories, to deflect the subject ...
I'm not saying his past is bad, he might be the nicest and kindest person in the world ... But on this specific subject (Code 699, and the unreasonable demands of the union and their impact on people ... Especially their legality or their morality) He avoids expressing himself, and does not seem to want to broach the subject ...
I have absolutely nothing from anyone against these employees, nor against the idea of a union. But the taxpayer's money and his defense is also important.
The Argument that: `` Employees fear for their health, and it's okay to support code 699 and get paid for doing nothing with public money ... What if you discuss that , you are insulting them '' is simply illogical, disrespectful. The employees in question, with respect, are no better than private and self-employed workers ... If the pandemic is so dangerous, and requires a general lockdown, we must impose the lockdown, and protect everyone ... Not categorizing workers, that doesn't make sense.
I am not against the principle of safety at work, it is even a sacred principle enshrined in law (For example in Quebec, it is the CNESST body, Commission des normes, de l'énergie, de la santé et of occupational safety which takes care of that.
Having said that, it's shameful to bring up that when you have - I suppose - ideological ulterior motives.
Safety and health standards are valid for everyone. If the situation is so terrible, there should be a complete and total lockdown ... Otherwise we go back to work, respecting the recommendations of public health.
Please discuss the ideas.
All this to say that the current deadlock is unacceptable. And that protesting and making noise requires AT LEAST clarity and information on deadlines is the least.