Thanks!! good luck to you too!!
I will update as soon as I receive an outcome. Looking at the speaking rubric, I am quite hopeful it will be increased, but I am not dead sure. I was fluent and didn't make any grammatical mistakes AFAIK, but may have messed up on part 2 where, even though I spoke non-stop, I may not have precisely covered the topic given, and this annoyed the examiner a little bit, because he pointed it out that I didn't cover it completely and then immediately started with part 3. I believe I did quite well in part 3. Regarding part 1, I don't remember much, but I did request him to repeat a question (this is the only repetition request I made). Not sure if this has any negative impact on the score. Since the fee was same no matter how many areas I request to be remarked, I chose writing part anyway because my performance in that was nearly flawless, so just in case it improves, it will save me money . I am practicing my speaking skill meanwhile.