@legalfalcon ,
Thank you for being active and helping people all around every time and everywhere.
I have a question for you which has been too common but I have seen mixed cases quite lately.
I was an international student in Canada and completed masters August 2020 and used the master's degree points to get an ITA on September 2, 2020 under FSW category. Now, I have collected degree completion and official transcripts from the university but the diploma will be issued on the convocation date which is around October 23, and by the time, I get the diploma in hand it will be mid-Novemeber or so. Here, I was thinking of submitting my application with an LOE for the diploma and in future upload diploma.
Related to the proof of education query, I have read many answers wherein people were able to get it done with an LOE but recently from IMMTracker few people reported that lack of a diploma resulted in app refusal.(This set of people did not mention anything about LOE but just mentioned that app got refused.)
So, do you think I should go ahead with an LOE or on a safer end wait till I get a diploma?
Thank you.