Thanks. Just recieved it in fact.
So my timeline:
08.06.2020 - Delivered by DHL, signed by Z.Maple
During this period I got really impatient and called them around 18-19 times, whrote 3 emails and commented their social media. Looking back at it - looks silly but when you have had no news about your application for more than two months, you become a litlle edgy. From my experience I can say that calls do not do anything - people on the phone do not have any power to move forward or expedite. So, as long as the docs delivered, the best tactic is just patience.
07.08.2020 - Status changed from ON HOLD to IN PROGRESS "We recived a new package..."
07.08.2020 - We are analizying and evaluating your documents. (They analazed the docs for accuracy, completeness and authenticity. In my case my Univercity was verufies and they did not have to contact my university)
17.08.2020 - We are evaluation your education (or something like this. The point of this status is that the docs were accepted and acknowledged)
19.08.2020 - You evaluation is under final review
20.08.2020 - Recieved PDF