This is what i talked to the VaC today for , and they say someone in amman has to go deposit the money and scan the receipt for you and you have to email it to them,I have question , for anyone of us how receive ppr or will receive soon , if someone pay the fees from Jordan are they gona give receipt for the person ? The thing that I need to know if they need approve that we pay the fees is it okay to send copy of the receipt or should be original one ? , because the original will be with the person who will give the fees instead of us .
For me now that i am at this step ,
A friend on this forum is paying the fee because i didnt know anyone there , i will mail tge passport and photos and everything (my package) and my friend will go pay the fee and send me a copy of the receipt and as soon as they receive my package i will then email the copy of the receipt to them, i hope this helps and answers your question and i wish best luck for every single one of you