Congratulation to you !
It is a great pleasure

I highlighted a last line of your comment
Could you kindly explain and discuss what had you been doing before took an IELTS exam to achieve this appreciable score within
Just 2 weeks ?
Please discuss on both Listening and writing as well
Please type all your strategy and tactics to get such a this mark in short terms ?
If also possibly , Please write it separately for each skills
and please If you remember your essay , Put it here as well
Thanks and Regards
Best wishes
Good Luck
I will try to summaries what helped me.
1- Read all the comments by Cansha and Marosa. Believe me, the points they mentioned really helped me. My paid mentor has identified the same issue.
2-Intro: Ignore background statement, start with paraphrasing and mention your points you are going to discuss in BP. Ignore all the unnecessary statements E.G this essay will discuss this and that.
3- I have observed more people, including me, focus more on complex vocab and grammar structures; however, very little focus on TA and CC. I believe most of the people who get 6.5 in writing normally struggle with TA and CC. Thus, idea development is they key.
4-While explaining points or developing ideas, most people, including me, repeat the information which does not add any value. As Cansha and Marosa suggest, every sentence you write must have a purpose and must add new details in your essay.
5- Get grip on every types of essays and then master those structures.
You might find all these suggestions general, but believe me this is all what I did different this time. I only use 50% of sentence structures during my exam and focused more on developing ideas and their explanations. I didn't use inversions, cleft sentences, participle clauses and to have structures.
Identify your weak areas and practice those areas as much as you can. As I struggle a lot with MCQs, I practiced this area a lot. I was quite good with section 1 and 4 so I make sure that I don't lose any marks in these two sections.
I didn't follow any specific technique; however, what helped me a lot is learning about controlling words which entirely change the meaning of sentences. Another point which I would like to mention here that from Q1 to Q27 are easiest to make sure not to lose any marks in this area. Also try to complete these question in 25 to 30 mins. With this, you will have 30 mins for last section, which is the most challenging section. 30 mins would be enough to handle any complex paragrapgh.
I was good in speaking so didn't practice much. In the last week, I picked some random people from IELTS groups on Facebook and practiced with them. Please try to practice with multiple people, this will allow you not to get comfortable with anyone.