Many apply without consultants or lawyers. It is not a requirement. Your argument was that the government makes money on spousal sponsorship which isn’t correct.
Have you been to a government office or any large office building? There is definitely human contact just not with outsiders. There are thousands of employees using the same space. Any of them could have covid.
Whether delays are right or wrong they are life and we’re all making sacrifices because of covid.
People misunderstood the announcement. Yes spouses and parents were granted exceptions to travel but nowhere in the statement did it say that those without TRVs would be granted TRVs to travel. This is pure politics. Looks good but mean something else. Given the limited flights from some of the covid hotspots the people entering Canada is somewhat limited. One of the ways Canada is trying to keep are covid levels low is the minimize contact with other countries.
Majority apply with lawyers (they are not obligatory but it's very advisable). The government makes the enough money of the spousal sponsorship needed, in reply that you were telling us they make it at loss, I say it's not a loss.
I have been in canadian embassies outside Canada (where I didn't see thousands of employees like you said), I haven't been in Canada nor in this building of Nuva Scotia, but if you say there are thousands of workers all confined there in small spaces, then I believe you and you are right with your arguments.. it would surprise me to see this there, not even in my country not developed I see this. If not, use of masks, gel sanitizers, and enough personal space and problem solved.
I understand the sacrifices when they are fair, but why are the rest of sparing buildings opened then? Not even use of masks or faceshields are asked to go to a gym, a restaurant or a bar now in Canada (and it's not my invention, it's the true) So it's a double sense all of this. The only sacrifices here that I see
just now are for us and our spouses in Canada who are without their beloved and still have to continue working against all pronostics (knowing that if they don't work, the application falls down) nobody knows how worried are our canadian spouses with this situation of the sponsorship and the responsability of making enough money to qualify with this, they didn't have the choice of stop working. But the applications after 4 months are not even being processed, this is not fair.
TRV: they are not granted, but prioritized to process (to say approved or refused) to family members, look: in temporary processing chsnges section
If you need to apply for a visitor visa
If you’re
eligible to travel to Canada at this time, you need to tell us
so that we can prioritize the processing of your application.
We’re prioritizing applications for essential (non-discretionary) travel during this time.
You also must meet all regular visitor visa
eligibility and
admissibility requirements.
Step 1: If you need a
visitor visa to travel to Canada, you must
apply online for one. Only online applications will be accepted and processed.
Step 2: When answering the question on the application form about the
purpose of travel, enter the following information exactly as written
to ensure your application is prioritized:
- For question 1 a) purpose of travel, choose “other” from the drop-down menu.
- For question 1 b) description field, write “COVID-19” exactly like this (you must use capital letters).
Step 3: You must submit evidence that you’re eligible to travel at this time.
The type of evidence you need to submit depends on what you qualify for.
For example, if you qualify as an immediate family member of a Canadian citizen or Canadian permanent resident, you can provide one of the following:
- a letter of support from your family member
- your birth certificate
- your marriage licence
- a letter from your spouse, partner or parent