A one week draw has happened in the past (at least in 2019) only when there has been a reason to do so - anticipating the Christmas break or to make up for a skipped draw.
This year, IRCC has been remarkably consistent with draw schedule and draw size. 3,900 every two weeks has been the norm since targets were declared and it seems exactly designed to enable them to invite just over 90,000 by mid December. 91,800 was the mid-target declared for the year for express entry (low was some 88,500 and high was 100,000). Even during covid lockdown, they managed to keep this rate consistent even though they skipped a few days when the crisis first started and then brought it back on track by doing a slightly early draw.
So I don’t think there will be a draw on the 15th. But there should be a draw on the 22nd.
May I ask if their target was to send out 90k invitations by that time, or was it to get that many immigrants? Because not everyone receiving an invitation is likely to suceed, and the rate of success is actually lower than we may think.
It's actually comparable to the diversity visa system of the US, where roughly 90k-100k invitations are sent, from which roughly 70k respond back by applying and only less than 49k actually make it.
I understand they want to get about 350k immigrants by 2022, derivatives included. That could be achieved by having roughly 3900 invitations sent out every 2 weeks, given tht everyone who applies will be given the visa and along with their derivatives they will make up a total number of 4900ish.
What I am trying to say that, they have good reasons to conduct draws more often or to issue more invitation depending on the rate of response or denials. But hey! What do we know of that

Let's just get out points and keep put, lol