Maybe you are right if it was In-Canada spousal sponsorship application (the basic application should be under IRPR 124).This is CPC-m, both sponsor and applicant processed inland
But here it is PGP appplication under family re-unification prorgram.
If it is Family class/PGP sponsorship (IRPR 117), with PR applicant outside Canada, after CPC-M part, I understand they send it to VO.
The Centralized Processing Region (CPR) at NHQ is responsible for inland program coordination and liaising with other branches regarding policy and operational design of the FRP. Outside of NHQ:
- Case Processing Centre - Mississauga (CPC-M) is responsible for receiving sponsorship applications and assessing sponsors’ eligibility prior to forwarding applications for permanent residence to the appropriate visa office.
- CPC Vegreville (CPC-V) processes spousal or common-law partner in-Canada applications. Unlike CPC-M, CPC-V assesses both the sponsor and principal applicant on these applications.
- Case Processing Pilot Ottawa (CPPO) assesses low-risk PGP files which have been streamed through CPC-M.
- The CIC Call Centre provides basic information in response to telephone inquiries.
*The document is little we may have to read CPC-V as CPC-E