Hi everyone! Others may find this post unnecessarily lengthy; however, I find the need in my heart to share it with you. I’d just like to impart my experience ever since I joined this forum four months ago. My NOC is 3012, with CRS 430 and my timeline is as follows: (or shall I say was as follows)
05 March: NOI received
10 March: NOI accepted
11 March: Document Checklist and AINP Form 012 received
22 March: Documents couriered
27 March: Documents delivered and received (checked via DHL tracker)
03 April: File Number received
25 April: Employer was contacted via email
26 April: Nomination received
01 May: ITA received
20 June: Application submitted and Processing Fees paid
24 July: Application for PR was cancelled as incomplete
The process I underwent from receiving the NOI was fairly quick and I was extremely happy, until my application got cancelled as incomplete. It was due to the fact that one of my PCCs from my country of origin was incorrectly obtained. The rest of my PCCs from other foreign countries I’ve lived for more than six months were perfectly fine. When I received the email and the message in my account regarding the unfortunate news, I was completely shattered. Just as much as I wanted to be of help to those people who have queries and answer them to the best of my knowledge, I felt absolutely demotivated and didn’t go online for a month. However, I resubmitted my profile a day after my previous one got cancelled. In less than a month, I received NOI and just yesterday I sent my documents again to Alberta.
I’ve learned a lot from this experience but two of those made the biggest impact. Firstly, to always take time and be keen with every single document that needs to be submitted and make sure that it adheres as per requirement. Secondly, the waiting time can get us to be impatient and anxious. Others may get it sooner and some experience delays. But with hope and faith, we’ll get to where we are bound to be.