I'm very happy to share the info that I have about this topic with you.
The first time I paid attention to this issue is when I was browsing this forum several months ago when I saw a comment made by one of the seniors on this forum which said that "met' "recommended pass" and "pass" are all used interchangeably by the case processing analyst, who does our eligibility check in the second stage in our three-stage eligibility check (the first stage is the preliminary check by a program assistant and the final stage is the final review by a senior officer). After this case processing analyst has done the check and is satisfied, he or she will use one of the three terms we mentioned here to mark your eligibility (met/pass/recommended pass), so the conclusion is: these three terms are used interchangeably in the second stage (case processing analyst' review). This is the information I have got from this forum.
As to my own case. I received my notes back in Nov 2019. On my notes my eligibility was clearly marked as "passed". When I went deeper into the "notes" section, I could only see notes from the program assistant (1st stage) and case processing analyst (2nd stage). There was absolutely no notes left by a senior officer by the time my notes were generated. This has further confirmed my previous assumption that met/pass/recommended pass are used interchangeably only in the second stage (case processing analyst).
As to your case, I guess your eligibility was done by a case processing analyst long before security was cleared and now the file is perhaps in the queue for a senior officer's final review. Once that officer is satisfied, your eligibility will be marked as "pass" and then PPR is sent out. What I meant by "security is only initiated after eligibility is passed" is that security only starts after your eligibility has passed the second stage review (case processing analyst), not the final review, which is usually done after security is cleared).
However, I have seen one case where the senior officer reviewed that person's eligibility and marked it as pass while his SS was still ongoing.
I cannot say my understanding is 100% correct, but based on the substantive information on this I have collected during the last few months, what I said here is likely to be the case