Hi there, fresh newbie here. glad I found this tread, almost two year after...as I cannot seem to find a difitive answer to the the same question, which is whom to address invitation letters to.
On CIC website below:
It states: "A copy of the letter from the family member inviting you to Canada.
The letter must be written to you from your family member."
which sound to me a lot like "must be address to...", and it is a little bit different than @Cookiemonster1 concern which is over "send the letter to..."
or am I just overthinking this as most sample letters I found is addressed to the visa officer. Though I should mention I could find sample letters addressed to the person being invited as well, but then again the website containing the samples are not very clear about under what cricumstances should the letter be address to person being invited vs. visa officer.
Thanks in advance for your help!!