happy diwali to you toooWish you all a very Happy Diwali. May God fulfill all your dreams. Good luck for your Canadian dream journey and be positive always!
By the end of this year, cut-off will be recorded at 455 before Happy Holidays begin. Good luck![]()
Wow, thats a breakthrough predictionWish you all a very Happy Diwali. May God fulfill all your dreams. Good luck for your Canadian dream journey and be positive always!
By the end of this year, cut-off will be recorded at 455 before Happy Holidays begin. Good luck![]()
CRS summary of active members waiting for Golden ITA (updated on Oct 25, 2019 11:15 am UTC):-
- 460+ (Total 42): | parry26: 1060 | thatguy1: 1054 | veritas1994: 1049 | yemjim: 1045 | LouiseV36: 1040 | Mir Mohideen: 481 | neo29j: 479 | Thmsrhn: 479 | praspirantak: 479 | Ajays94: 478 | Dingusitis: 476 | gabriel900: 475 | stepass: 474 | Arsh45: 474 | elpoyoloco: 474 | adilgigyani: 473 | vinegarandsalt: 473 | HariPriya12: 471 | EricD: 471 | Ria-sharma: 469 | Mandeep1989: 469 | mudjawd: 468 | cshetna: 468 | sri8707 : 467 | Dr Seun: 467 | Tahsina89: 466 | Tanvirk: 465 | cas009: 465 | Ca_karan: 464 | imtiaz_canada: 464 | Anu66: 463 | Woqi114: 463 | roadtofreedom: 463 | BindhuMadhvi: 463 | PinalThakkar: 462 | Dimpysimple: 462 | aikay: 462 | cas009: 462 | Leftarmover: 461 | ntachi: 461 | AJ1208: 461 | shergill12: 461| sinmansion: 461 |
- 455-460 (Total 80) – | PrynkP: 460 | Ankoorva: 460 | DivyaS: 460 | Bahariesmoon88: 460 | Wanttoleavenow: 460 | Manish Patel: 459 | patel_d07: 459 | SolwayFirth: 459 | Sarunmoz: 459 | vishnusk1995: 459 | anukaran: 459 | awley: 459 | Nandita16: 459 | haider_Ali: 459 | WunderCat: 459 | Shawan: 459 | Sunsunny: 458 | ahsanshahbaz: 458 | fperk_83 : 458 | blueshark: 458 | Milanarora: 457 | sahils123: 457 | Hope457: 457 | vinoth388: 457 | y996: 457 | cromaine: 457 | Twindream: 457 | Thumper : 457 | ArijitRoy: 457 | Limitless: 457 | Sapan1086: 457 | SG1507: 457 | ankitpanchal: 457 | Ankitg88: 457 | Manishprasher: 457 | Angel1113: 456 | cino86: 456 | Gsaggy: 456 | PrasadK: 456 | Silverwitch: 456 | tharibak: 456 | Hk07: 456 | royalking: 456 | phuketlove: 456 | SimonSaleh: 456 | Jasmine1998: 456 | brick8899: 456 | Ishakharub: 456 | blessedveev: 456 | Maya53: 456 | Mitya-kun:456 | Captain789: 456 | Eqbal: 456 | Jay2019: 456 | Priyanka2010: 456 | daksh1803: 456 | Mustafa Ghias: 456 | nklrwt: 456 | VKA: 456 | scarlettN: 456 | Sara890: 455 | Eddiesol: 455 | merlz: 455 | Manish Patel: 455 | Dream Come-True: 455 | Harsha009: 455 | ruha: 455 | dreamcanada0224: 455 | Khushi dhanoa: 455 | greenshma_aju: 455 | aagosh6188: 455 | cdddelhi: 455 | Daksh1: 455 | Hannan Khan: 455 | Hsiddiqui: 455 |
- 454-450 (Total 62) - nadal87: 454 | johnlennonsouza: 454 | abdulkhadar.moh: 454 | chirag171987: 454 | Mspa: 454 | SASH8288: 454 | snehamary007: 454 | ArsheyaBegum: 454 | itas: 454 | aun_syed: 454 | TD0911: 454 | MMUNEEBA: 454 | Jasmine172: 454 | SlowBurn: 454 | strawy96: 453 | Aigbemare: 453 | Sindhuja Karthikeyan: 453 | jricardobt: 453 | guyshir: 453 | lignumvitae: 453 | jp3189n : 453 | Jak2019: 453 | faith_works: 453 | Medhansh: 453 | Lizzybenzo: 453 | Canadaball: 453 | Sunrok: 453 | arvw: 453 | Tivativalu: 452 | daughty: 452 | Suhasrs: 452 | masha27o: 452 | Jatinder_singh: 452 | delga: 452 | hmhk202: 452 | drrakeshdent: 452 | Artk: 452 | Catnat: 451 | Bageshree: 451 | captainUT: 451 | Sharath957: 451 | nehadeep: 450 | jkaur95: 450 | shamu2013: 450 | parvin2019: 450 | ekta29: 450 | skg1988: 450 | vmsanthosh.chn: 450 | akm_11: 450 | anusha1712: 450 | mominmalik5: 450 | mandiebraxton: 450 | xyz2017: 450 | Avmaia: 450 | kuljeetklf: 450 | Ranjitrip: 450 | Hasrat123: 450 | JamesKang: 450 | AtitudeAdjustment: 450 | deepika450: 450 | tanveer041: 450 |
- 445-449 (Total 62) - Div_newbie:449 | Manru:449 | AnkitaShukla: 449 | a.altigani: 449 | IndianFam: 449 | Nikhil Pal: 449 | SanjibSaha: 449 | kvaram_62: 449 | nitinkalra07: 449 | Sreedev83: 449 | Rohitbnaik: 449 | os32: 449 | Vibuthi: 449 | EnthuChap: 448 | shine04: 448 | Agarwalparesh26: 448 | AmeyaGodbole: 448 | Tilly3: 448 | M2a3r4y5a6m: 448 | SimonSaleh: 448 | Hydowwu: 448 | msgill88:448 | Lazybug: 448 | NMS@: 448 | panchalch2: 448 | Dewdrops1502: 448 | adil_0262: 448 | Shanky1202: 448 | Aartavsharma: 448 | tonyzz: 448 | a.altigani: 448 | matteis:447 | Noopur_23: 447 | Ravi_15: 447 | Meer85: 447 | Flowerview: 447 | armaanwadhwa: 447| nikki1992: 447 | Saial: 447 | shaunk_redemption: 447 | Brian_natt: 447 | infectious: 447 | sehgaljps: 447 | Stakesarehigh28: 447 | ExpressMan: 447 | Not_Your_Donkey_Kong: 446 | Rafahul: 446 | Reet_123: 446 | Kk1234:446 | MynameisMTS: 446 | RochelleAlford: 446 | rahulkraju: 446 | epema.kz: 446 | CananEE123: 446 | Islander5548: 446 | frightenedpanda: 445 | dawak: 445 | nolimits7405: 445 | Boluwaduro: 445 | asad_ali_awan: 445 | siataheri:445 | IeltsDream2019: 445 |
- 441-444 (Total 37)- Shaanoh: 444 | NishaKirthi: 444 | Sonammahajan: 444 | mominmalik5: 444 | kadeed:444 | Jms_16: 444 | nns14: 444 | theafjioman: 444 | Rohanisha: 444 | Ainpeespirant: 443 | MzBAH: 443 | gmi3001:443 | pursuit: 443 | sidra91: 443 | rharmon: 443 | seff786: 443 | seff786: 443 | CanucksRajiv : 443 | aloobharta01:442 | Kiamin: 442 | MV18: 442 | Dirup: 442 | Shishir Chandra Kumar: 441 | SociallyAwkward: 441 | BumbleFrisbee: 441 | Ram89: 441 | intels: 441 | Maalee: 441 | SJ24: 441 | anandthepilot: 441 | beluluba: 441 | akhil994: 441 | Priya85: 441 | hardeepSingh: 441 | WantToImmigrate: 441 | os32: 441 | vanibhoopathy: 441 |
- 435-440 (Total 17) - bluehorse:440 | Tamilan8: 440 | Chavoshhh: 440 | ppa: 440 | rovar473: 440 | prince_lords: 439 | Siddharth-BOM: 438 | cadiee:438 | Sara1981:438 | rdj08: 438 | Nidsy: 438 | ghvijay: 438 | Vive: 438 | Kiamin: 437 | Sam0301: 437 | sheikh.abaz: 435 | Hemilshah80: 435
If your score is not included in the list or score is changed please reply to this post with your current score. Thanks!
- Below 435 (Total 8) - Life79: 432 | kumsa83: 432 | Day2203: 431 | Kleverveld: 428 | moto90: 424 | AND IND: 423 | rajapanesar: 422 | Sdabas: 421 |
For love of god I hope you are right, But how come 30K Ita remaining !!!!Hi all,
there are still 30k invitations left for this year...and if draws happen every alternate week then 5 draws that would mean 6k invitations per draw or 8 draws that would be weekly draws 3750 invitations....or if they want to keep high cutoff then keep the current trend pf 3900 and remaining invitations to be added for next year...keep positive and fingers crossed...
I dont think 30k are left ...as per current standings I believe 70,300 ITA's are issued and to meet last year's count of 89800 only around 19500 ITAs are yet to be issued which when divided by 3900 gives you exact 5 draws. I really hope they issue more ITAs as compared to last year and we all sail throughHi all,
there are still 30k invitations left for this year...and if draws happen every alternate week then 5 draws that would mean 6k invitations per draw or 8 draws that would be weekly draws 3750 invitations....or if they want to keep high cutoff then keep the current trend pf 3900 and remaining invitations to be added for next year...keep positive and fingers crossed...
last year 74900 target was there...and they issued total 89800 in 2018 so 20% more now for 2019 the target is 81400 so if we increase it by 20% then it is 97600 and till date issued invitations are 67600...so 30k remaining...these numbers are rounded up...have exact numbers alsoFor love of god I hope you are right, But how come 30K Ita remaining !!!!
67800 issued till date...you can also check cic news thread its 67800 issued and infact last year they issued 5 draws with 3900 totalling 19500 however they are even behind last year by this time they had issued 70k invitations last year and now they only issued 67k and remember this years target is higher than last.I dont think 30k are left ...as per current standings I believe 70,300 ITA's are issued and to meet last year's count of 89800 only around 19500 ITAs are yet to be issued which when divided by 3900 gives you exact 5 draws. I really hope they issue more ITAs as compared to last year and we all sail through
By the way every year they issue 20% more than target...last year 74900 target was there...and they issued total 89800 in 2018 so 20% more now for 2019 the target is 81400 so if we increase it by 20% then it is 97600 and till date issued invitations are 67600...so 30k remaining...these numbers are rounded up...have exact numbers also