They dont have to raise the income requirements. They just need to make people show proof of income AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE PROCESS!Frankly, I don't mind if they raise the income requirements also. May be controversial. But it will filter out a lot of applications.
Right now they can raise the income requirement all they want, but if all you require people do is to tick off a box saying "I declare that I meet the income requirements" and then issue them their confirmation numbers and then invite these people to apply, many will later say "oh I don't meet income requirements".
It's just dumb. Sorry, Canada, you are dealing with Immigrants! The whole "honor system" doesn't work in their home countries and culture.
So you need to have PENALTIES for people making false declarations and wasting everyone's time.
There should be warnings that say :
1) Application for the PGP is a SERIOUS matter that involves resources working to help your parents come to Canada.
2) If you proceed with the interest to apply process and declare that you meet requirements, you MUST
a) Submit an application if you are given an invitation to apply
b) must meet the income requirements as you have declared
If you are invited to apply and DO NOT apply, IRCC reserves the right to bar you from the PGP program for the following 3 years.
If you are invited to apply and we find that you have made a false declaration and DO NOT MEET the income requirements, IRCC reserves the right to bar you from the PGP program for the following year.
Just the threat of being barred will wake people up and take the whole process more seriously. It saves everyone's time. The IRCC officers. The other applicants who are serious and are valid applicants who might lose out to these irresponsible, dishonest and selfish people.