If you have representative then he or she is supposed to send mail for explanation.
Secondly I have one question: did you receive PFL first? Or when you inquired about your application status then they sent you PFL?
Thanks in advance.
Hi MsMaverick,
Unfortunately my files has been with London visa office since March 2019 and since then I sent 3 webforms to inquire about status and every time they sent me that the files is waiting or under review by a visa office. Only when I sent then the last webform in Beginning of Sept I received a reply on my webform saying that Thanks for your email. A PFL letter was sent to your paid rep. We have attached a copy of it here for your reference.
Here is the actual text from the PFL
This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada as a member of the Family Class.
I have reviewed your application and all of the documents you submitted in support of it. It appears that you may not meet the requirements for immigration to Canada.
I am about to complete the assessment of your application for permanent residence in Canada and I am unable to determine that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Subsection 70. (1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that:
An officer shall issue a permanent resident visa to a foreign national if, following an examination, it is established that
(b) the foreign national is coming to Canada to establish permanent residence;
Also, subsection 130(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations states that:
A sponsor who is a Canadian citizen and does not reside in Canada may sponsor a foreign national who makes an application referred to in subsection (1) and is the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child who has no dependent children, if the sponsor will reside in Canada when the foreign national becomes a permanent resident.
I am not satisfied you have demonstrated you and your sponsor's intent to reside in Canada when you are granted permanent residence because you have provided limited evidence of a reasonable plan to establish in Canada and limited information on the rationale for your family to relocate to Canada at this time.
I have noted that your sponsor has resided outside of Canada since 1998, and that you are gainfully employed outside of Canada with the same employer since 2010. I am therefore
Immigration and Medical Services Division | Section des services d’immigration et des services médicaux High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | La Maison du Canada
Trafalgar Square
London, UK SW1Y 5BJ
www.UnitedKingdom.gc.ca /
concerned that you do not wish to relocate to Canada permanently or intend to establish yourself there.
The onus is on you to satisfy me that an immigrant visa can be issued to you. I would therefore request that you send any information or documents which you consider might respond to these concerns within 30 days. I must also advise you that failure to disabuse me of my concerns could lead to the refusal of your application.
Subsection 11(1) of the Act states that the visa or document shall be issued if, following an examination, the officer is satisfied that the foreign national is not inadmissible and meets the requirements of this Act. It appears that you do not meet the requirements of the Act for the reasons set out above.
Before I make a final decision, you may submit additional information relating to these concerns. You must provide any additional information within 30 days from the date of this letter.
Documents sent as email attachments cannot exceed 5 MB in size. Any attachment larger than 5MB must be divided into smaller separate attachments.
If you choose not to respond with additional information within 30 days, I will make my decision based on the information before me, which may result in the refusal of your application.
the letter really ruined my weekend when I got it 10 days ago
