Just called CIC for the first NO Info at all as my visa office is outside CANADA

I pleaded, but the agent dint say a word other than raise a webform and inquire...which i have already !
the call went like:
me - Good morning,im calling to get an update on my PR application
agent- asked verification questions ( application number , name,DOB , Place of Birth,verified the contact number and address) ..then informed me my application is being processed in London VO ( which i knew thanks to Mr Goodale)
me - can i please know the status of ..( before i was about to utter the 3 words -
eligibility , criminality and background check) he said sorry i cant help you need to contact London VO

me - can you please send a reminder or mail or inquiry to them (as we all know London VO takes months to reply)
kept trying to ask him again n again using different phrases ..but no luck
agent - apologised and we said goodbye
my question is ...only the applicants whose VO is in Canada can benefit by calling CIC ?!? im sure ive read elsewise..
or did i say something wrong

or did i just encounter a strict agent in my first call ?