Golden e-mail finally!!! Can’t express how happy I am. Details in my signature. Couldn’t have handled all the anxiety and the agony of waiting without you guys in this forum. Thank you all for keeping me together.
As for those who are still waiting, I am one with you in prayers. Also, if ever that there will be a petition to have IRCC be more transparent about the “real” status of application, by all means let me know and I will sign it. Those 209 days were not easy. In the past two months, I haven’t had a good night’s sleep during weekdays because I live at the exact opposite timezone and I had to check if there is an update on our account during wee hours. Hence, I fully understand the feeling of those in the waiting game. But don’t lose hope, it’s coming.
Another thing, I have sent a number of CSEs since my 6 months have passed. In one of our correspondences, an agent told the other agent that “the last [brought forward] date for our account was sometime in April and that delays have passed. I saw the same date he mentioned in our GCMS notes (look for due date). For those waiting and has GCMS, maybe you can bring this up to the agent when you call to have you file pushed or I don’t know, maybe to remind the one handling your file that delays in fact have so much passed.
With all of that, I would like to pray for the success of our lives in Canada and I will be happy to meet you all soon there (planning to land in Vancouver though). “Party, Party and Repeat!” (credits to those who started this line)