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refusal of work permit due to biometrics


Star Member
Jul 2, 2019
Hi Karan, did you find out why you were refused (since you already gave your biometrics)? I got this same letter and I'm wondering what I need to do to get an acceptance when I reapply.


Star Member
Jul 2, 2019
Hi, I got the same letter of refusal a few days ago and I presume it's because I missed the biometrics mail as well. Was this problem fixed once you gave your biometrics, and if so, how long after you reapplied did you finally hear back from IRCC?

I'm hoping it's not something other than the biometrics? Just hoping this will result in an acceptance since I have to go study :(


Jan 28, 2019
Hi, I recently got the same letter of refusal too and assumed it was just biometrics. Were you able to rectify this and finally get your Visa after you submitted your biometrics?
Curious to know how long from the date of biometrics you heard back from them. Just hoping mine comes through fine this time.

what was exact reason for refusal you got?
have you applied for discretion notes?


Star Member
Jul 2, 2019
Here is what mine read:

• You are found inadmissible to Canada under paragraph 41(a) of the IRPA: through an act or omission which contravenes, directly or indirectly, a provision of this Act.
• You have not complied with our request for information, per subsection 16(1) of the IRPA. To date, you have failed to comply with our request for biometrics.

I haven't applied for notes- where do I do that? So far, I have just emailed the office that issued me the correspondence letter. Have you had any success turning your refusal into acceptance?


May 27, 2019
I got the same letter of refusal as I missed my biometrics but I asked for a reconsideration and it was refused, I entered the pool again and received another invitation to reply, currently submitting my application and then this time I wont miss the biometrics!
But i did travel to Canada for vacation and was stopped upon entry and asked about the refusal, explained to them and they let me in no problem so I believe it was only due to Biometrics that the refusal occurred


Star Member
Jul 2, 2019
Relieved to hear you got the same letter of refusal- with only biometrics being the reason. I've been frantic wondering why there were two clauses in the explanation and whether there was something in addition to biometrics that I got wrong. I've resubmitted my application too and hope to hear a favorable response. Let me know if you hear from anybody about your new application as well, please :) and good luck!


May 27, 2019
Relieved to hear you got the same letter of refusal- with only biometrics being the reason. I've been frantic wondering why there were two clauses in the explanation and whether there was something in addition to biometrics that I got wrong. I've resubmitted my application too and hope to hear a favorable response. Let me know if you hear from anybody about your new application as well, please :) and good luck!
Yeah from what I gather, by failing to submit the biometrics you have also
then committed the act which contravenes this act. Hopefully all goes well on your next application

Canada under paragraph 41(a) of the IRPA: through an act or omission which contravenes, directly or indirectly, a provision of this Act

Hopefully all goes well on your next application
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Star Member
Jul 2, 2019

I'm wondering if when they refuse visa because of incomplete biometrics- does this mean they've already had a thorough look at the entire application and incomplete biometrics is the only problem? Or that they saw the biometrics were incomplete and didn't even check the rest of the application?


Jan 28, 2019
Hi Karan, did you find out why you were refused (since you already gave your biometrics)? I got this same letter and I'm wondering what I need to do to get an acceptance when I reapply.

yeah, I found it. as per descriptive notes, the reason was fully different from the rejection letter.
according to notes, we found we didn't justify our wedding.


Star Member
Jul 2, 2019
Thanks. Two questions- did you get a visa refusal letter or a visa denial letter? Slightly different meanings there.
Also what did your letter state? I don't understand how they can give out an explanation letter very different from the notes you requested


Jan 28, 2019
Thanks. Two questions- did you get a visa refusal letter or a visa denial letter? Slightly different meanings there.
Also what did your letter state? I don't understand how they can give out an explanation letter very different from the notes you requested

sorry, when we got the result of our visa application at the time usually we get a letter from CIC on that they stated they are going to refuse our application due to XYZ reason and welcome to reapply.

please email me if you have more questions @ karandhanju1992@gmail.com
to be very frank we haven't got our visa yet. if you still want to ask please feel free....


Aug 23, 2019
I got the same letter of refusal as I missed my biometrics but I asked for a reconsideration and it was refused, I entered the pool again and received another invitation to reply, currently submitting my application and then this time I wont miss the biometrics!
But i did travel to Canada for vacation and was stopped upon entry and asked about the refusal, explained to them and they let me in no problem so I believe it was only due to Biometrics that the refusal occurred
HI David,

On resubsimission of your application, do you have to pay the Visa fee again?


Apr 5, 2024
I am really dumbfounded and couldn't fathom that an application can be refused because VFS global didn't submit biometrics properly. I am in the same pool as well where I applied my mother's super visa July'23 and after long and strenuous wait, it had been declined in the month of March'24.

I am not certain how to ingest this information and don't even understand clearly why IRCC or VFS for that matter have NO provisions in place, so an individual can challenge this discrepancy created by an organization.

Anyways, enough with venting, does anyone have any bright suggestions, how to proceed with the declined application?

There are couple of things I can think off the top of my head.
Route 1: Re-apply fresh application and go thru the similar trajectory again!?
Route 2: Investigate it wee bit further and understand the snafu that has been exhibited by VFS!?

Or is there any other route I can embark on?

Any suggestions would be welcome!



Jul 11, 2024
I've got the same letter of refusal with the following explanation: (bio was done in shanghai twice)
  • You have not complied with our request for information, per subsection 16(1) of the IRPA. To date, you have failed to comply with our request for photographic and fingerprint evidence.
• You are found inadmissible to Canada under paragraph 41(a) of the IRPA: through an act or omission which contravenes, directly or indirectly, a provision of this Act.

I see people have emailed beijing consulate and got the file reopened. What is the email address for beijing of shanghai? I've contacted IRRC via the web form requesting the same - no reponse yet and it has been 4 weeks. I'd like to do the same as others and see if my case can be reopened.