Please elaborate address history mismatch. It can be helpful for others to take precautionary action, thx
So basically I have a PCC from a country where I lived from 31st May 2014 to 05th January 2016, I traveled to this same country in 2011 and in 2014 in April.
My PCC from this country was like a table where you can see the dates when I have traveled to this country:
from jun to aug 2011
from 16 apr to 31 May 2014 (this date is not accurate and I didn't notice)
from 19 oct 2014 to 05/01/2015
(please note that there was a mistake in my PCC as I stayed in this country from 31st May to July 2014 but it does not appear there)
so this is for PCC, as you can see I have one mistake , I raised CSE, no more than one week after my AOR, as I saw the mistake but at the end it was not taken into consideration.
regarding address history, I stated
31st May 2014 to 14 June 2014 in address A in Country A
14 june to 05th January 2015 at address B in Country A
Mainly the rejection reason was:
The PCC for country A presented in not acceptable, because it does not cover the period where you lived there. In your address history you stated that you lived there from 14 June 2014 to 06 January 2015.
Now I can see the mismatch but the 06 January was my return to my home country and I was not living in country A, I am not sure if I made a mistake in address history or, typo from agent?
Anyway, I have a new ITA and I will complete my file much more carefully, if somone has a thought on that, please do not hesitate, I just hope that what I wrote make sense