Hi All,
Firstly, All the best to everyone on this citizenship process journey.
I will be submitting my application soon by the end of June
I have all my docs in place, I just had a few questions if anyone can please answer these question i'd be grateful.
I was on student permit (Jan 2014- Sept 2015)then on a work permit(Sept 2015- April 2017) and got my PR and landing done in April 2017. After I got my PR, I have visited USA a couple of times (10-12 days in all) and visited my home country once (20-25 days).
1)Do I need a police clearance certificate?
2)I am currently at 1115 days of physical present - is that enough or should I wait for like another month or so, in order to have a good amount of buffer days (just asking to be safe)
3)How to make the pay the application fee of $630.00? Do I need to have an online login account?
I believe this entire citizenship process is paper base unlike the PR which was all online
4)What is the best way to send doc - regular mail or courier
To summarize my documents include
1)Application form
2)Online present calculator sheet
3)Passport photocopies
4)Proof of knowledge of language -IELTS result from Sept 2016 and diploma and transcript copies
5)Photocopies of drivers and health card
6)Two citizenship photos
7)Fee receipt
8) Checklist
All my documents are in English so I don't require any translations, also no name change or other documents are required for my application purpose
Please let me know if I am missing something or anything that i need to pay special attention to
Thanks in advance