Want to give everyone a quick update, just finished landing at the CIC office in Ottawa (235 Queens Ave). Went around 7:50am and there were 2 People in front of the line. Everything went super smooth and straightward. Don't think it took more than 10 mins and I was signed, sealed and congratulated as a PR

Thanks everyone here for letting me know know about this option of walking in to the Ottawa office for the landing. I prefer this to going to the border any day.
Make sure you take 2 more photos if you are going for this landing option. I took pretty much all my documents I submitted for pr but they only looked at the CoPR and passport.
My first entry date to Canada was wrong in the CoPR. When I mentioned this to the officer she said it doesn't matter. Only the last entry date should be correct.
Was a bit of a trip to come here but now I have the whole day to do some site seeing

maybe say a quick hi to Justine