Hello Experts,
I received the PPR for my Parents. My time lines are as follows,
1. Application Received - 7th Sept 2018
2. Sponsorship Decision Made - 13th March
3. Parents PR Process Started - 13th march
4. Medical Request - 18th March
5. Medical Received - 28th March
6. PCC Request - 12th April
7. Finance PPR - 23rd April
I represent my Parents, due to that reason the PPR request came to send the passport to Ottawa, but my parents reside in India. So I need to change the VO to NDVO as it's not legal to send the passport outside of the country. I understand this request need to be done through web form.
But I need a sample text what need to be put in there for change of VO as part of request if any one has already done it.
Also in web form there are two parts 1. Applicant Information , 2. Enquirer Information
So my understanding is correct Applicant Information will be Main Applicant among my parent, 2. Enquirer Information will be mine.
Please need your help if any one gone through this situation.