You, my friend, are what we call Bad Belle where I come from meaning someone who wishes ill on others. The Effrontery to suggest that he should quit helping people get what is rightfully theirs is simply shocking, to say the least. This is an individual race and the sky is big enough for all birds to fly without colliding. Your argument as the other chap rightly pointed out is baseless, downright ignorant and ridiculous to say the least. A professional service that routinely extends completion time and changes status to prevent one from asking for a refund is not a service that puts the needs of applicants first. A word of advice, keep your fear mongering and sense of entitlement to yourself and prepare for your IELTS. Shouldn't be too hard seeing as you already got the writing part figured out.
Read my reply.. It clearly states, it can be baseless. Ignorant?? To clarify, I mentioned the points I brought up are observations and I did not claim it to be a fact. So it can be a wrong observation, but not something out of ignorance. And about ridiculous... Its your way of looking into my perspective.
1. My suggestion was to stop doing something wrong. And that's where my main focus was.
2. Completion time is extended its obvious and same gets updated on their website.
But changing status not to refund is an observation. If you disrespect others observation and find it ridiculous. You cannot put in your observation to say they change status for refund. So should I consider your observation as ridiculous??
" A professional service that routinely extends completion time and changes status to prevent one from asking for a refund is not a service that puts the needs of applicants first. " - I agree to your statement, but this does not give you right to choose wrong way out...
Fear mongering (Hahahahah!!!) Did I really use scare tactics?? Anyways..... Thank you for observing my writing part...
I dont take advice from the people who encourage and defend others who do wrong.. Anyways thanks for your advice..
And lastly, all the points you made were already addressed apart from the allegations with no spine..
Feel free to reply with more bashing and sobbing...
You will be ignored..
Best of luck.. You now have chance to show your writing skills and insert al the words you learnt for IELTS.. Just like you did in you previous post... Fear mongering..