So something similar happened to me. I went on a honeymoon with my first wife, managed to lose her in the Maldives somehow - inter-island flights are a doozy! - and then came back home without the wife so I was like, huh, I needs another wife, I wants another wife, so I gets another wife. After I got married for a second time I wasn't going to tell IRCC, of course, because it's none of their biznass! Like, why they need to know?
But then my second one found out about my first one and they ganged up on me so I went Gangnam on them, by which I mean I went to the heart and Seoul of the problem where I met my real Seoul-mate, my third wife. I kind of
had to tell IRCC about the Seoul-mate otherwise Kim Jong-un might've served me up as Kim Chi.
Anyway, HUGE TANGENT: Do you think that good-looking people get their PPRs faster? If this were true, I would have had my PPR on Day 1. So, maybe they ignore the outliers - because I'm a 10/10

- and only seem to take people that are moderate to good looking (so, like, in the 6.5/10 to 9/10 range), and the rest of the people just have to wait it out?