Hi everyone,
Just wondering if there is any one here who's spouse is expecting a child? as my spouse is. Will this speed up or delay the process any how or it doesn't affect the application. My wife has her medical on Thursday and we also sent a pregnancy report to CIC few days ago but just wondering if anyone else was or is in the same position and what happend.
Thank you very much
FYI, my timeline is
APP received Feb 13
Medical received April 05
Medical booked for April 18th.
waiting on BM
Congrats on baby!
Where is your spouse planning to have the baby? If the baby will be born
outside of Canada you will have to update some forms to include your new dependents etc when baby is born. You will also have to provide identification documents for the baby.
I am in this situation - but
I am the sponsor and I am having our baby
in Canada. With a CDN passport, she can go freely back to Costa Rica with me. (Where we will
STAY until this thing is processed!). Our baby is due on May 02 2019.
The situation with the baby will do nothing to expedite the file. I have included a personal letter (plea), doctors notes, called my MP, Justin Trudeau etc... very strong case with naturally progressed relationship, yet Hubby will not be here for the birth of our baby in Canada. I am in the same position.
We were denied a visitor visa BEFORE we got pregnant - on the grounds of our marriage. They assumed he'd overstay. 
When we found out we were expecting I worked feverishly to get this application in; alas, it was not soon enough. We submitted November 2018 in hopes of a miracle he'd be here and it's looking like no.
Baby is now due in 2 weeks. Pleading falls on deaf ears. Luckily my MP reached out but IRCC says "it's a 12 month process".
We have yet to even be transferred to local VO. I emailed immigration minister and no response. I have
letters of reference from MPs whom I know personally and went to University with, as well as other high ranking officials and
still, no change in the process.
On the other hand, baby shouldn't slow down the process much either - tbh especially if the baby is born inside Canada. For us, we will just upload her birth certificate and passport when she is born via webform. She will be born in Canada obviously so that we do not have to go through this just so
she can travel.
Shame on Canada honestly. I don't expect special treatment, but it's hardly fair people are welcomed illegally at border points with room and board and a jumpstart on the process and given hotel rooms in the interim. Also seeing rapid-passed apps here is frustrating when we are in such a serious situation that just cannot be replicated in any way (the birth of your baby!) Sorry to rant a bit,

but I want to give you a realistic picture of what to expect.