Add me: 471
Updated (till 12:10 pm IST today) CRS summary of active members in this thread:
- 460+ (Total 6) - maheshmit: 465 | Pakchikpak:463 | dharmmie: 478 | Vijayw: 463 | ShahidF: 483 | momar81: 469
- 455-460 (Total 2) - Ram_Pravesh:459 | JNS1214: 456
- 450-454 (Total 19) - 13nitinsharma: 450 | oghosh: 452 | SeniorStakes: 451 | Sanghapreet: 451 | Yiss: 450 | T80: 451 | kalex123: 450 | nehadeep: 450 | matteis:450 | Ruth31:451 | bishcan:452 | siataheri:450 | biquanbi96: 451 | jkaur95: 450 | shamu2013: 450 | xpensive: 452 | hakweye: 450 | Karran Oberoi: 451 | a16107: 454
- 445-449 (Total 16) - Shaanoh: 449 | Ali1122: 447 | Sara890: 447 | nolimits7405: 445 | Boluwaduro: 445 | skg1988: 445 | pursuit: 448 | D'trox: 447 | Div_newbie:446 | vmsanthosh.chn:446 | Kk1234:446 | aloobharta01:448 | prince_lords:445 | Uchyann: 445 | veritas1994: 449 | frightenedpanda: 445
- 441-444 (Total 17) - NikSharma01:444 | ghvijay: 443 | Shishir Chandra Kumar: 441 | SociallyAwkward: 441 | BumbleFrisbee: 441 | JamesRodriguez: 440 | LKRYA: 443 | NishaKirthi: 444 | Ram89: 441 | asad_ali_awan: 444 | cdddelhi: 444 | Life79: 441 | Agarwalparesh26: 442 | Ainpeespirant: 443 | Kiamin: 442 | Sonammahajan: 444 | mominmalik5: 444
- 435-440 (Total 8) - Siddharth-BOM: 438 | ppa: 438 | cadiee:438 | krishnapahlajani93:438 | Sara1981:438 | kadeed:436 | rdj08: 438 | Kiamin: 437
Good luck to Everyone and I wish majority of "US" get through this time!!
- Below 435 (Total 2) - moto90: 424 | Day2203: 431
Few Hours to GO...!!